You are hitting your peak career wise and your earnings are starting to outstrip your expenditure. You are starting to enjoy something you haven’t seen since your early 20s – disposable income.
Life Cover
- You will need a decent amount to cover any debt and to make provision for your family.
- You need cover to protect yourself and your family.
Critical Illness cover
- If you haven’t had one, you will have had friends that have had a critical illness. You need this cover.
Retirement savings
- You need to start being less aggressive with your pension fund investments but must still look to be in growth assets.
- Preserve your money when you change jobs.
- You should invest as much as possible into retirement annuities as there are decent tax breaks and you can start maturing them from the age of 55.
- You need a decent medical scheme with Gap cover.
- Create an emergency fund for short term cash crises.
- Start considering estate planning when structuring your investments.